Wellington Engagement Index
Student Sign In
Students sign in to submit dots by going to Resources in MyDE the choose Submit Engagement Index Dots (students). More details and images are are available in this Google Slides presentation for students: WEI_Training_for_Students
Teacher Sign In
Teacher Sign In to access student feedback for the 2024/25 schools year not yet available but will be in late January 2025. If you have a question about this, please email help@d-e.org.
The teacher directions below are no longer accurate but will be revised soon. (Jan 2025)
As a teacher, you view feedback from your students by signing in to the WEI Data Visualizer at wei.witools.org. This will show you the aggregated and anonymized Dots feedback from students in your classes. Your password is not necessarily the same as your D-E network password. It is a separate password you created when you registered for a WEI user account.
If you do not remember your password, go to the WEI log in screen and click on Forgot your password or need to resend email confirmation. This allows you to request an email with a link to reset your password. If you receive the error "The user either does not exist or is not confirmed" then you never created a WEI account and need to Register as a new user as described in the section further down this page.
Accessing and understanding data from students
For information on how to interpret and access data from students after you have signed in, see one of the following:
Teacher's Data Analysis Guide (3 pages)
Video recording of training by Wellington (10 minutes) delivered during April 2022 MS faculty meeting.
Note: If you sign into your teacher account for the first time and do not see any data, the most common reason is that you entered an incorrect WEI Teacher ID when you registered your account. Your unique, correct WEI Teacher ID is what "unlocks" your access to the data. If this applies to you, please open a Computer Service Help Desk request via help.d-e.org or email help@d-e.org to get this fixed.
Accessing data information for Deans
Your WEI accounts should also have counselor access. When you sign in, you can use the Teacher Explorer to still see feedback for the class(es) you teach just as any teacher can. In addition, you may click Explore Students under Student List to look up specific students by their student ID number. Don't use View Student (under Student Explorer) as that does not seem to function with counselor access. (It will show no dots.)
On the Explore Students list, you can click any of the column headings to sort the list by that data. For example, you might click on Grind twice to see the students who marked the most courses in the "Grind" quadrant.
You can also use the filter (funnel icon) to view only certain students. e.g. only grade 8 students
Finally, if you click double-click on any row, you will see all the feedback from that student. (Ignore the DE Class grid as it will be blank with counselor access.)
Click here for a quick video showing how to access this data using my examples above.
More details about the Student List tool are described on page 14 of this Administrator's guide. Page 1 of the guide is also a useful reminder of what the dots mean including a definition of the Engaged, Grind, Bored and Entertained quadrants.
Register as a new user -- teachers only
See the WEI User Registration Guide (linked here) for detailed directions on how to create a teacher account. The short version is go to wei.witools.org, click on Register as a new user, then enter the required information. School Code, Teacher Code, and WEI Teacher ID are listed in the Google Doc displayed below. It is important that you use your unique, correct WEI Teacher ID as specified in the directions below. If your web browser automatically fills something in, do NOT use that.
After you register, you will immediately be sent an automated email to confirm your account from Administrator@wellington.org. (Check your Spam folder if you don't see it after 5 minutes.) You can access your feedback after you follow the directions and link in that email to confirm your account. You only need to do this once (not every year) during your entire time at D-E. After that use the directions under Teacher Sign In above.
Note to teachers with students in multiple divisions
If you teach students in more than one division, you will need to have a separate teacher account for each division.This requires using a different email address for each registration. To do that, use <your username>+<division>. For example, campbb+US@d-e.org for an US account and campbb+MS@d-e.org for a MS account. Email for both accounts will go to your regular d-e.org email address. (Google ignores everything after the + when delivering email.) For assistance, contact Computer Services via help@d-e.org or stop by the Taub Center.