Google Chat and Spaces

Google Chat is a school-managed service that allows employees and students in grades 6-12 to communicate via typed messaging. Designed for short, interactive exchanges, Chat is often faster and more convenient than email. Google Chat is an officially sanctioned chat app to be used between students and teachers/coaches. Like D-E email, all Google Chat content is recorded and stored in an electronic Vault for later administrative access if needed.  (If you previously used Google Hangout messaging, Google has replaced it with Google Chat so use Chat instead.)

Getting Started

Google Chat is now also available in D-E's Gmail on the web and in the Gmail app on iPhone/iPad and Android.  See access Chat in Gmail if you need help finding it.

What can you do with Google Chat? - according to Google

Spaces and Threads

You can join or create a Space (aka room) as an easy way to use Chat for a class, communicate with a team or field trip group, converse with a group of colleagues, or collaborate on a group project. Spaces have the advantage of supporting multiple conversations/topics in the same space as separate "threads". You can reply to existing threads or start a new thread at any time. 


You can choose to get chat notifications whether you use Chat in Gmail via open in a web page tab or by using one of the standalone apps.  You can easily turn notifications off or customize them as you prefer. For example, you can choose to get only notified when someone sends you a direct message as opposed to when messages are posted in a Space where you are a member.  You can also choose which Spaces to actively follow. For more information on notifications:

Install Apps/Programs

While going to the web page or accessing Chat from Gmail works fine, some prefer having a separate program for using Chat. It also allows you to get notifications, if desired, without needing to keep a Chrome/Safari tab open to If you just want to access Chat via Gmail or the web page, you can skip this section.

More Information

Google Chat Help Center - by Google