Video project tips - iPad

This document is a work in progress. The purpose is to assist students with creating video projects using an iPad. If you have a suggestion for missing information that should be listed here, please email it to

Q & A for video projects:

What D-E authorized iPad apps are useful for creating a video?

Depending on what you are trying to do and your preference, one app might work better than the other.  The following apps, in alphabetical order, might be useful and are already on your school iPad or available in Self Service:

There may be more apps available in Self Service that you might use for creating a video. If you find any in Self Service that you think should be added to this list, please email

What equipment is available to help me film a video?

The Imperatore Library has the following available for loan to students or teachers:

Where can I get more information on using iMovie on the iPad? 

Where can I legitimately get media (images and music) to use in my project?

How do I change a video to run in reverse?

As of 10/12/17, iMovie on the iPad does not have a revere video effect built-in.  However, you can install and use the Reverse Vid app (available in Self Service) to create this effect.

To use ReverseVid (after you have installed it):

You can then pull that new reversed video into your main iMovie project. You will probably want to mute the audio and add your own voiceover or soundtrack as reversed audio isn't generally useful.

The Reverse Vid app has not bee used much by people at D-E yet so it would be good to hear how well it works for you (the good and the bad). Please email with your comments on it.

How do I download audio and video to use in my project?

Typically, websites (e.g. Jamendo and Wikimedia Commons) that give you permission to use their media provide download options or buttons.  If you are using iPad OS 13 or later, you can use the standard Safari app and save the downloaded audio or video to the Files app. You can then pull it into iMovie via Files.

How to do I add an MP3 from the online free music service Jamendo to iMovie on the iPad using the Files app? 

Using only an iPad, you can download free music as an MP3 from and add it to an iPad iMovie project. You use Safari and the Apple Files app. You can also do this for other sites that allow MP3 downloads such as Incompetech.

How do I get video or MP3 audio files from a computer to my iPad?

Try uploading them from your computer to your D-E Google Drive account, which has unlimited storage space.  Then, on your iPad use Open In from the Google Drive iPad app to open the video into a different app such as iMovie or Explain Everything.

Copyright and Fair Use of Digital Media from Others

Almost everything you can find online is copyrighted. (More information about copyright is here.) As a student, you may include copyrighted material in school projects by following "Fair Use" Best Practices, which include:

Don't forget you still need to cite your sources even when used under Fair Use. (Include the Title, Author, Source, and License - examples here.) 

To avoid worrying about Fair Use, get media from websites that specialize in publishing public domain (free for any use) or Creative Commons licensed work intended for sharing. A few of those sites are listed in the section "Where can I legitimately get media (images and music) to use in my project?" above.

If you do use digital material under Fair Use, you should consider using the Fair Use Evaluator (click here) from the American Library Association to justify your use to your teacher and yourself.