TurnItIn for Teachers

TurnitIn is an online originality advisor and plagiarism detection tool available for use by DE teachers. It may also be used by a teacher to digitally provide feedback and online annotations of work to students.

As of September 2024, AI detection is no longer a Turnitin feature available at D-E. 

As of May 2017, TurnItIn was integrated with My DE. In order to have students submit work to the TurnItIn service, you now create a My DE assignment, choose the TurnItIn option, and change any settings you wish. You no longer need to go to the turnitin.com website to create a teacher account or a class roster as long as your class exists in MyDE.  Also, students do NOT need to create a separate TurnItIn account.

Unintuitive and commonly missed required steps:

Turnitin Assignment setup required in MyDE

Submitting a paper on behalf of a student

As of September, 19, 2023, the TurnItIn service no longer supports submitting a paper for a student who is not enrolled in a course. For enrolled students “papers submitted by an instructor on behalf of a student will appear in the student portfolio just as if the student made the submission.” (per Turnitin support) This applies both if you access TurnItIn from their website or via MyDE.

More information for CS staff is available here.