Brisk Teaching for teachers

A free version of Brisk Teaching is available to anyone and the paid "Brisk School" version is available to all faculty at Dwight-Englewood until June 2025. (We are piloting the service and will determine whether we should continue with it in the future depending on teacher use and feedback.)  All adults should automatically get access to the premium version (before the five day free trial of premium expires).  If not, please create a support request with Computer Services for assistance.

Brisk Teaching is a Chrome extension and includes the following features:

See the five minute video below for a demonstration of those features.


Please share your questions, positive and negative opinions, and experiences related to Brisk Teaching with Bill Campbell in Computer Service. Your feedback will help decide if we should continue with the service next year. 

Get Started

To get started with Brisk Teaching, use the Chrome browser and install the Brisk Chrome extension available at this link.

A video demonstrating how to install the Chrome extension and pin Brisk to your Chrome toolbar is here.

Change History

Brisk Teaching is a new and rapidly developing tool. Below are some of the changes and new features introduced in 2024 with more on Brisk Teaching's What's New page

February 2024

January 2024

AI detection

Brisk AI detection works best on work created in a Google Doc. Therefore, you will have the best experience if you assign and collect student writing using either the Google Assignments option in My D-E (Blackbaud) or Google Classroom. Click AI detection above for more information.

100% accurate AI writing detection is not possible with any tool given how writing is currently generated by AI Large Language Model tools including ChatGPT. However, AI detection can be a pointer toward the need for a conversation with a student to asses their understanding of their writing or more closely looking at the version history of a document.  The Inspect Writing feature in Brisk may help with this.

Google Assignments in My DE

Any assignment posted to My DE can be created as a Google Assignment. Students work in a Google Doc, which you can access while they are drafting if desired then submit to you via My DE. You can then provide specific comments and feedback or a summative comment that students won't see until you choose to return the work. If you use the My DE grade book, the grade you enter forthe Google Assignment will automatically appear in your grade book. And you can share the grade with students online too, if desired. More details the webpage Using Google Assignments with Blackbaud. (Note that the LTI setup listed in set one has already been completed system-wide.)

Google Classroom

Assign and provide feedback on student assignments as normal in Classroom.


Follow this link to a list of 30+ things Brisk can do.