Flip (aka Flipgrid) for teachers

The Flip standalone service website and iPad apps was discontined by Microsoft on July 1, 2024. (See the announcement here.) You can sign in to your Flip account to download previously created videos before Sept 30, 2024, but you can not create new recordings. After September, no Flip content will be available to download or access.

Computer Services is investigating what to recommend for a replacement. Potential options (still to be determined) are using Padlet or the Flip like features of Microsoft Teams.

Flipgrid was renamed to Flip in June 2022.

A few things have changed that might not have been updated (yet) below. If something is unclear please email help@d-e.org to let us know.

Flip (owned by Microsoft) is a free service allowing you to create a private virtual meeting place organized around topics. It is used by teachers and students to asynchronously share audio/video messages within a class. It also allows annotation of photos in a video so some find it an easy way to provide voice explanations of something pictured such as art or math problems.

Log in to the Flip service


Go to flip.com, click on Login, choose the Google Login option, and use your @d-e.org email address and My DE password.


Students do not need to create accounts. They go to flipgrid.com (on a computer) or open the Flip app (on an iPad) and enter the Flip Code provided by the teacher. (See Getting Started below to create the Flip Code.)

Getting Started

Here's a video clip video demonstrating how to get started creating a topic or prompt for your students to use:

If you prefer written directions, see Getting Started: Educators.

Note the following:

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