Enrollment Management

To withdraw a student...

  1. Contact Business Office to confirm that all accounts have been paid and closed.
  2. Login to MyDE with appropriate access level.
  3. Core>>Users/Access>>Profile
  4. Search for the student you are trying to withdraw.
  5. Open the student profile
  6. At the bottom of the page, click "Student Enrollment"
  7. Click Withdraw
  8. Select Effective Immediately *
  9. Select Current School Year *
  10. Select Role of "Past Student" *
  11. Select Disable Login Credentials *
  12. Contact Computer Services (Paul Clarke) to have email account disabled.
  13. Contact Development (Sharon Rein) to have RE record updated.
  14. Contact Business Office to confirm that withdrawal is complete.

* Unless special circumstances dictate otherwise

To change a student grade level...

  1. Login to MyDE with appropriate access level.
  2. Core>>Users/Access>>Profile
  3. Search for the student you are trying to withdraw.
  4. Open the student profile
  5. At the bottom of the page, click "Student Enrollment"
  6. Click "edit" on the line for the current year.
  7. Change the grade level as appropriate.
  8. Repeat for each subsequent year, so that all future years have the correct grade
  9. Note that you will not be able to edit the grade level for an enrollment year if a contract has already been issued for that year. The enrollment office will have to remove the contract before you can change the grade.
  10. Contact Business Office to inform them that grade has been changed.
  11. Contact Development to have Raiser's Edge updated.