GoGuardian Teacher

GoGuardian Teacher is an online service to assist teachers with helping students focus on academic work when using digital devices in class. The Middle School is piloting GoGuardian Teacher from October through December 2024.

Testing the Student Experience - Teachers only

Any employee with a D-E issued iPad can temporarily enable GoGuardian on that iPad to simulate or test the student experience. This may be useful for checking if a Scene works as you expect before you use it with students. 

To enable GoGuardian on your iPad, use Self Service to install "GoGuardian App student experience". This will let you try the student GoGuardian experience. Your iPad will show a VPN indicator at the top-right location of the iPad screen when GoGuardian is enabled. If you wish to practice with or test a GoGuardian Session or Scene using the iPad, add the student uspracticestudentxx@d-e.org to the Classroom you want to use. To get Internet access with GoGuardian in place, you must open the GoGuardian app once after you install it. You will see a "Hooray!" screen when all is working fine. Note that GoGuardian sessions only work when the iPad is connected to the D-E campus network and on weekdays between 8:00 AM and 3:30 PM.

When you wish to remove the GoGuardian management from your iPad, simply delete the GoGuardian app. The VPN indicator will disappear and all GoGuardian management and monitoring will be removed.


A free, online, asynchronous GoGuardian Teacher Training Course is available for you to complete at your own pace here. You will need to create a free account (by choosing sign up) to enroll in the course.

The estimated total time to complete this course is 1.5 hours, but it is divided into multiple parts so you can work though it a little at a time. Topics include:

iPad differences

The student experience and some GoGuardian Teacher commands are different when students are using iPads instead of Chromebooks. Most GoGuardian help resources and the online training course mentioned above apply to Chromebooks not iPads. There are not many differences but they are explained in this document from GoGuardian: The GoGuardian App for iPad: GoGuardian Teacher User Experience