Pear Deck


Pear Deck makes it easy to turn a Google Slides or PowerPoint presentation into an interactive activity to engage your audience. The premium version of Pear Deck is available to all teachers and students who sign in to the service using a Google or Microsoft login.

Introductory Video

Pear Deck with PowerPoint

In order to use Pear Deck with Power Point, we need to import the Power Point into Google Slides. You will see a brief video demonstration on how to do that to the left, but as the video recommends, you can also use this iorad link to learn how to import a Power Point at your own pace.

Pear Deck's Tutorials

Pear Deck also creates their own tutorial videos. To the left is video #2, which teaches you to make a Pear Deck from scratch. You can find all the videos here, including:

Improvising questions

To the left you will see a video preview of the 8-minute demonstration given by Charlie at the US Faculty meeting, which you can view better by clicking here.

This video walks you through opening a Google Slides from the Pear Deck homepage and then teaches you to ask an improvised question using the "New Prompt" feature. It also demonstrates what it will look like to see students responding to your questions.


To the left you will see a video preview of the one-hour D-E specific training session, which you can view better by clicking here. You can also find a student-paced version of the slides from that training here.

Pear Deck also offers recorded and live (online) training multiple days a week. Click "More Training Info" below for more details.

More Training Info

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On-demand / Asynchronous training

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