My DE for students
Information about My DE (aka Blackbaud K12) of potential interest to students. More information for teachers is at My DE for teachers.
How to Subscribe to My DE Schedule on an iPhone or iPad
How to submit documents
How to Submit a Google Doc via a MyDE assignment - Use a web browser such as Chrome or Safari on a computer or iPad to submit a "live link" to a Google Drive document so your teacher can comment directly on the Doc, Sheet, or Slides. (If directed by your teacher, you can also submit a "snapshot" of a Google Doc that's not a live link.)
How to Attach a File saved on your computer or iPad - attaching a file for MyDE assignment submission
Track assignment status using the Assignment Center
You can see assignments posted to MyDE for all of your classes in one place by using the Assignment Center. In addition, you can change the status of each to mark things as complete in order to track what you still need to do. You can read more details about there here. (If a student reading this wants to make and share a demonstration video with a screen recording showing how to use this and why it's useful, send a copy or link to it to, and we might post it here!)