Managing Access At Home

Everything on this page is experimental. We are testing these tools out, and they might not work the way you expect. Please be patient.

Using Apple Family Share in combination with Screentime - Parents can control what apps and tools are available on their child's iPad.

Parents should talk with their children about what a reasonable amount of screen time is outside of school. Set limits on both time and on available apps that students agree to. Make sure students understand the rationale behind restrictions. Make time each week to use the Screentime tool to review the time spent on different activities. 

While Screentime will allow you to control many of the apps on your child's iPad, it can't control websites s/he can access in non-managed apps such as Chrome.  We do not install the YouTube app or Chrome on student iPads, but they can install them manually from our self-service menu. To lock your child out from Chrome, you can use the Jamf Parent app by following these instructions:

To get setup, do the following: