DigiExam for teachers

Note this recent change:

As of Fall 2021, DigiExam has changed the way students sign in to start an assessment.  Students now access the DigiExam web service via the Resources area in My DE then click on the link there to start the DigiExam client software.  A student code is no longer required.

Students still need to install the client software first. An information page for students including installation directions is at this link: DigiExam

This information is intended for teachers. An information page for students including installation directions is at this link: DigiExam

DigiExam is a service D-E started using in Spring 2019 to provide secure testing using a computer or iPad.  It's similar to using a Google Form to administer a test except that when a student runs the DigiExam client and starts a test, that student's computer or iPad is locked into just the DigiExam client and not released until the exam is handed in. No access to other programs or Internet websites is available while the computer or iPad is locked.

The most complete source of information about DigiExam is the Teacher-related page in DigiExam Knowledge Center

However, some D-E specific stuff and common questions from D-E teachers are addressed below.

DigExam can be used for assessments during distance learning. An introduction to that is available at DigiExam And Remote Learning

Student Installation

To use DigiExam, students need to install DigiExam software. Ask students to install the software BEFORE the day of your test.  Directions are at this link: DigiExam 

Also, best practices on the test day are for students to restart their computer right before the assessment and not open any other software until after it is complete. (DigiExam won't run until all programs are closed anyway, but this avoids complications with some software that doesn't exit nicely.)

Teacher and Student Login

DigiExam login

Creating, Administering, and Grading an assessment

Outline of steps: Quick Start for teachers using DigiExam for exams

Important Notes:

A. Time Limits

B. Student unable to hand in work: 

C.  Optional but recommended extra teacher step for on-campus only, high-stakes exams: 

Assessment Creation Tips

(Click for details.)

How to recover "lost" work

(Click for more.)

While students work during a DigiExam assessment, answers are automatically saved every 10 seconds both to the local hard drive of the student's computer and online to DigiExam servers. If the Internet connection to the student computer is disrupted, saving continues to the local hard drive. After a disruption, students can submit results or continue working with assistance of the teacher following the steps in note B ("students unable to hand in work") under the heading Creating, Administering, and Grading an assessment above.

Additional Information

(Click for more.)