My DE grade book

Note that Blackbaud (the supplier of our My DE site) did a significant upgrade to the My DE grade book during summer 2021 so the interface may look a bit different as compared to some of the information below. If something is confusing or very out of date, please email so we can address it.

If you want to jump right in and get started with Gradebook now, take a look at Back to School - Gradebook Setup.

A grade book is available to teachers in My D-E to track student work and calculate various statistics. You also have the option to publish assignment grades to students if you wish.  Other features include:

To access the My DE grade book, select a class under Classes then click on "Launch gradebook". Here is a four-minute video introduction to using the My DE grade book:

The Assignment Grades and Grading Teacher's Guide video above is a good introduction to the My DE grade book. However, if you prefer written information here are directions from Blackbaud (the publisher of the My DE software):

One-Time (per semester) grade book setup

Click here for step by step directions for setting up your My DE grade book. You only need to do this once per semester. Also, note the recommendations below.

Setup Recommendations:

Be sure to check Add to cumulative for all assignments you want inluded in semester average.
How to set default Gradebook-related settings for assignments in Assignment Center

Letter Grade Scale

The rules used to convert a letter grade to a numeric percentage or points is called a Letter Grade Scale. They are defined system wide. Letter Grade Scales can be modified or more can be added but it is for everyone so contact if you have a need for that. Requests to add a Letter Grade Scale for an department or group of teachers are preferred over adding something used by only a single teacher. Current scales available are here: My DE Gradebook Letter Grade Scales

Questions/Issues and Answers

Click/tap on a question/issue below to unhide/expand the area with the answer.

A teacher is unable to enter numeric grades

When trying to enter assignment grades in a Gradebook teachers may only receive the option to enter in Letter Grades and cannot enter numeric grades. This can happen when a Letter Grade Scale has been selected in the Gradebook Settings.

Follow the steps below to resolve:

Source:  Blackbaud Support article 112880 - A teacher is unable to enter numeric grades

Students are unable to see assignment grades or comments

How to do I access assignment grades for a student who dropped my course?

This is useful if a student is moved between sections after assignment grades were recorded since you can no longer see students in a gradebook after they are withdrawn from a section.

If a student changes course sections, Gradebook Grades do not automatically transfer to the new section's Gradebook. However, you can see the previous section's grades through the Grade book Report: Grades - For Dropped Courses.

To access this, navigate to:

Source with some modifications made

What if the student moved to a section taught by someone else?

ANY teacher who runs the "Grades -- For Dropped Courses" report for ANY course where the student is currently enrolled will see the gradebook grades for that students from ALL dropped courses including ones not taught by that teacher or completely unrelated courses.  So you have one or both of the  possible options:

In addition, you can pull up the grades (and  work collected online) for any students who have dropped your section by going to each assignment details page (the one where all student names are listed) then click on the More button and choose "Show dropped students".  Note that the show dropped students option does not show if no students were dropped from your class.