Streaming Videos on Zoom

Streaming Videos on Zoom

The quality of video streaming depends heavily on the strength of your Wifi signal and home internet connection. If you have a weak connection or there are other devices on your network using large amounts of bandwidth, the video may appear choppy or delayed to your students. If an individual student has a poor connection, then that student may not be able to view the video. When possible, it may be preferable to have the students view longer videos on their own rather than through Zoom.

Note: Some copyrighted streaming content (e.g. some DVDs and iTunes films) will not stream over Zoom. However, many commercial films are available and free to stream for instructional purposes use D-E's Swank video streaming subscription.

To Stream a Video on Zoom:

    1. Have the clip or content open on your computer and ready to go. Check licensing agreement and copyright law before streaming copyrighted material. Check Terms of Service before streaming content from a subscription service.

    2. Start Zoom meeting as usual

    3. Click “Share Screen” and a box will pop up.

    4. Select the screen or program (e.g. Google Chrome) you wish to share.

    5. Click “Optimize for video clip.”

    6. If you want to share the audio from your computer, click “Share sound.”

      • Choosing "Share sound" improves the audio quality and it allows you to mute your microphone while allowing others to hear the sound from the video you play.

    7. Click “Share.” Now others can see your screen.

Note: you may be prompted to install updates audio or video drivers; click install.


    • Play your video in full-screen mode while sharing your screen.

    • To see your students while watching the video, go to “more” and click “show video panel.”

    • If you forgot to choose "Share sound" or "Optimize for video clip", you can choose it from the More button (see below) after you start sharing.

    • You CAN mute your microphone and people will still hear the audio you are sharing IF you enable "Share sound" as recommended.

    • If you want to share audio only (i.e. background music) without sharing your screen, use the Computer Audio sharing option under Advanced. Also, use the "Share sound" option with this.

Show students, share sound, and optimize for video